How to make your company aware of eco-responsibility?

Do you want to raise awareness among your teams on the subject of CSR while stimulating internal cohesion? Are you looking to engage your employees through a CSR Challenge?

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What is SQVT?

The Quality of Life at Work Week (SQVT) or Week for the Quality of Life and Working Conditions (SQVCT) will take place this year from 17 to 21 June 2024.

Quality of Life at Work Week (SQVT) is much more than just a period dedicated to well-being at work. This week is an opportunity for companies to question ways to improve the well-being of teams and especially to take action! Healthy and healthy teams are the strength of tomorrow's businesses. There is nothing like productive, creative and committed employees to the company to face daily challenges.

So how can you take full advantage of this week? By encouraging the active participation of employees in activities and challenges related to SQVT, you can engage your employees and make them aware of the importance of taking care of their physical and mental well-being at work.

Beyond that, this week will be an opportunity to create more cohesion, conducive to the professional and personal development of everyone. Do you want to mobilize your teams around well-being, cohesion and collective performance? At Ouilive, we suggest that you combine the prevention of professional risks, the improvement of working conditions and performance, all while involving your employees around a cause!

How? Thanks to an inter-company challenge, where your employees will all be mobilized as a team to win the title of most committed company in the community

OuiLive, the first 360° HR gamification solution

OuiLive is the 360° HR gamification solution that animates, federates and motivates your teams thanks to a unique methodology: the connected challenge. Choose from our available content, you are in control!

Our catalog of themes

Skill sponsorship, the winning combination


Green light for green finance


Circular economy: let's go in circles


Special climate fresco: in the midst of global warming


    An all-in-one pack, a turnkey solution!

    We simplify your daily life with a dashboard for your internal experts and an app for your employees. You also benefit from the support of a Challenge Manager to design challenges that will make your employees happy.

    Your turn?

    Choose from our catalog of +200 thematic contents or personalize your challenge with your own content

    Your Challenge Manager provides you with communication kits (in French, English and even Korean!) to get your employees on board

    Customizing your application (your colors, your content) for challenges that fully correspond to you

    Get in touch!