Develop the well-being of your teams at the heart of your organization

Improve the quality of life at work and strengthen the personal and collective development of your employees with your own connected Challenge. Innovate in terms of well-being and QWL actions.

Get in touch

OuiLive, the first 360° HR gamification solution

OuiLive is the 360° HR gamification solution that animates, federates and motivates your teams thanks to a unique methodology: the connected challenge. Choose from our available content, you are in control!

Our catalog of themes

Friends as a colleague...


Sweet office desk


SOS RPS (psychosocial risks)


    An all-in-one pack, a turnkey solution!

    We simplify your daily life with a dashboard for your internal experts and an app for your employees. You also benefit from the support of a Challenge Manager to design challenges that will make your employees happy.

    Your turn?

    Choose from our catalog of +200 thematic contents or personalize your challenge with your own content

    Your Challenge Manager provides you with communication kits (in French, English and even Korean!) to get your employees on board

    Customizing your application (your colors, your content) for challenges that fully correspond to you

    Get in touch!